6 Things to Look for in Electric Wheelchairs

Are you, or someone close to you, looking for electric wheelchairs near me? The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 61 million adults live with disabilities. Mobility impairment impacts 13.7 percent of these individuals.

Experts expect an increase of two million new people using wheelchairs each year. Finding local electric wheelchair sellers makes it convenient to try out different models. Keep reading to learn what to look for when shopping for an electric wheelchair.

Reasons Individuals Need Electric Wheelchairs

There are several reasons healthcare providers recommend electric wheelchairs. They’re indicated for people who can’t or won’t push the wheels to move a manual version. Individuals may lack the coordination or cognitive ability to propel the wheels.

For some, the work required to push a manual wheelchair is beyond their physical ability. For example, they may have upper limb pain or weakness, or an unstable trunk. Cardiopulmonary disease, obesity, and/or limited endurance can reduce mobility.

For these reasons, the healthcare provider may recommend getting an electric wheelchair. This can increase the person’s independence and increase their activities and social interactions.

How to Choose an Electric Wheelchair

It may surprise you to learn about different electric wheelchair styles and features. There are traditional-looking chairs that have control systems with batteries and motors. Others have a captain’s chair on top of the power base.

Some fold, others raise and lower, and there are now models that lift to a standing position. It’s important to have the chair fitted and configured by an expert to make sure it’s right for you. This ensures you're getting the maximum function as well as physical safety.

Electric Wheelchair Options to Ask About

Always prepare a list of questions so you don't forget to ask something. Here is a list to get you started.

1. Does It Tilt or Recline?

These features are not always required, but they can be helpful to some or too complicated or unnecessary for others.

Individuals who use a wheelchair must take special care to prevent skin sores. Thus, the chair needs to adjust to reduce friction and redistribute pressure. This also increases your comfort when using the chair for extended times.

One style chair can tilt while keeping the hip, knee, and ankle flexion angle the same. The whole seat tilts to change your sitting angle to participate in activities. This is often helpful with bowel and bladder regimens.

Another option is a reclining system that alters the seat angle by making the back flatter. You can raise the legs and even make a flat surface. This helps with moving in and out of bed.

2. Which Type of Wheel Drive Is Best?

Electric wheelchairs have either four or six wheels, yet power only goes to two of them. The other wheels’ job is to stabilize the chair. You have the option of front-, mid-, or rear-wheel drives.

Front- and rear-wheel drive models often offer the smoothest rides. They also work well on outdoor terrain. Mid-wheel drive chairs have the smallest turning radius and work well in small spaces.

Talk to an occupational therapist (OT) or durable medical equipment (DMR) expert. They'll help you make the best choice.

3. What Is the Turning Radius?

The most common turning radius is about 20 to 35 inches. Bulky chairs often need more space to make U-turns. Remember that the distance and angle of the footrest from the chair affect your movement.

4. What's the Travel Distance?

Ask about the electric wheelchair's travel range. This means the distance you can go before recharging the batteries. Most models range from four or five miles to up to about 20 miles.

Several factors impact your wheelchair’s battery charge and travel range. These include the following.

Battery Charge

If the battery has not fully charged, your trip can be cut short. Remember to let it charge for eight hours before you plan on long use.


You can prolong your battery life by traveling at a low, constant speed. Moving at a fast pace and/or changing your speed frequently depletes the battery quicker.

Travel Surface

Moving uphill or over rough terrain requires more energy from the battery. If your usual or preferred route has these features, make sure the battery has a full charge. Also plan on short travel times.

Tell your OT or DMR professional that you want a chair that can handle this terrain. They can recommend specific models to fit your needs.

Tire Pressure

Did you know that underinflated tires pose a safety hazard? They can cause permanent damage to your chair. Also, low tires impact how far your chair can travel.

Be sure your tire pressure is checked often and refill them as needed. This increases your safety, reduces disruption of your plans, and protects your chair.

Not all electric wheelchairs have air-filled tires so this may be a non-factor depending on your make and model

5. What Are the Rider Weight Limits?

Powered wheelchairs have rider weight limits ranging from 300 to 700 pounds. It's important to discuss this consideration when choosing the right chair. An ill-fitting chair increases your risk for skin sores and can reduce your mobility.

If the chair is not rated for your weight, it will go slower, and the battery won’t last as long. This could limit your ability to move about and participate in social activities.

6. Does It Have a Warranty?

Always ask about the warranties offered when purchasing a wheelchair. Most manufacturers don’t cover normal daily wear and tear.

Warranties may cover structural parts like the metal frame for five to ten years. They may also provide coverage for other specified components for a shorter time.

Benefits of Buying Electric Wheelchairs Near Me

When you buy your wheelchair from a local DMR dealer, you have access to their services. For example, they’ll often check your battery for no charge to make sure it’s fully functional. Some stores provide this service seven days a week with or without an appointment.

If you need a new battery, they may put it in for free. They’ll also properly dispose of the old one. If you’re unable to get to their store, ask if they provide in-home service.

Are You Looking for the Best Electric Wheelchairs?

Do you live in the Denver area and want to find electric wheelchairs near me? Mobility Plus is your source in Colorado. We stock dependable, affordable mobility products and accessories.

We’re committed to empowering people of all ages by finding the best mobility solution. Our large showroom allows you to try out the different products. This ensures that you go home with the best device for your needs.

Visit us today for a free consultation.