How to Choose the Right Wheelchair Ramps in Denver

How to Choose the Right Wheelchair Ramps in Denver

When you or a loved one need to use a wheelchair, your mobility can be greatly limited by stairs. Wheelchair ramps are one of the best ways to overcome this issue.

Wheelchair ramps come in many different shapes and sizes for separate needs. You need to know the differences to pick the best one for you.

In this guide, we will discuss all the factors you must consider before buying a ramp. You could enjoy higher mobility and more independence with one of these wheelchair ramps

Keep reading to learn how you can choose the right wheelchair ramps in Denver for your needs. 

Portable Wheelchair Ramp Vs. Permanent

Deciding whether you need to buy portable or permanent wheelchair ramps in Denver is the first thing you need to do. To figure this out, you should know where the wheelchair ramp will be used.

Many people opt for portable wheelchair ramps because they will use them in a few different places. Others chose to have a permanent car lift installed into their vehicle and a permanent ramp installed outside their home.

Instead of searching "car lift installers near me", you'll want to consider a portable wheelchair ramp. Especially if you plan to use one at home, on the go, and in your vehicle. They are great for those in recovery. 

Permanent wheelchair ramps are best when you don't want to deal with the hassle of constantly moving a ramp. They are preferred by people who will need to use them for their lifetimes.

Permanent ramps are often anchored into the ground, so they can not be moved. Some are large installations complete with handrails. Others are simple inclines over existing stairs. 

Buying Wheelchair Ramps in Denver Vs. Renting

Wheelchair ramps are sold or rented from mobility equipment retailers. Mobility experts who have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the decision process makes things easier and leads to serious savings.

Typically, if a person will need a wheelchair ramp or any other mobility equipment, it is more cost-effective to buy it outright. Rentals can be cheaper for a short time, but buying will pay off. 

When you or a loved one has limited mobility that is estimated to last less than six months, it is recommended you rent a wheelchair ramp. Any longer than six months it is recommended that you buy it. 

Your Mobility Device 

Before buying a wheelchair ramp, you should have some key information about your mobility device. You need to know the answers to the following questions.

  • How heavy is the mobility device?

  • How heavy is it including the user and accessories?

  • How wide is the mobility device?

  • What is the width of its tires?

  • What is the maximum incline of the mobility device?

Each of the answers to these questions will be useful when you are picking out a ramp. Not answering them may create danger for the person using the ramp. It can buckle under pressure or tip the user off of it. 

The Wheelchair Ramp Slope

The height of the step you place your ramp on will determine the slope. The information you get from measuring this will let you know how long your ramp needs to be for safe use. 

The current guidelines from the ADA say: for every one inch of the rise there should be a foot of ramp length. Yet, depending on where your ramp goes, it may need more or less of an incline. 

Consulting an expert in mobility equipment will help you in this process. 

Extra Features Needed on the Ramp

Due to different kinds of mobility devices, some ramps need extra features for safety. 

One type of feature you can look for is surface styles. Wheelchair ramps can come with integrated traction lines, grit coats, or punch plate traction. Depending on your wheels, one will work better than the other. 

Another feature you might consider is handrails. For those who sometimes walk with help, handrails are a convenient feature. This way, when you are without your mobility device, you can still walk with a little extra help. 

The Type of Ramps

As you might expect, there are a large number of different types of ramps. Depending on all the factors above, the ramp for you might already be obvious. Here are several wheelchair ramps that may be the right fit.

1. Solid Ramp

A solid wheelchair ramp is best for small inclines. It is most often used on one-step inclines inside or outside the home. They are great for repetitive use, and they can withstand a lot of pressure. 

2. Wheelchair Track Ramp

The wheelchair track ramp comes as a set of two narrow tracks that fit the width of each tire. They are quite compact, and they often fold to become even smaller. 

3. Modular Handicap Aluminum Wheelchair Ramp

Modular handicap access ramps come in many variations. They can be ordered to fit the exact specifications of your steps. The ramps are not portable, but they can be removed without leaving damage on your home. 

4. Full Build-In Permanent Ramp

Full build-ins are the most permanent option for wheelchair ramps. They are often made of wood, steel, or concrete. They can be difficult and expensive to install, but you should never have to buy a replacement. 

You will commonly see this built-in front of businesses. Especially at businesses that have frequent customers or guests with limited mobility. 

Finding Wheelchair Ramps Near Me

The best wheelchair ramp for you or your loved one isn't difficult to find when you know how to choose the right one. If you consider all these factors before visiting a showroom you can be in and out in a jiffy. 

When you are looking for wheelchair ramps in Denver, you don't need to look any further than Mobility Plus Colorado. Our expert staff is prepared to help you find the right wheelchair ramp and any other mobility equipment. 

Contact us today or visit one of our showrooms to learn about all the wheelchair ramps we have to offer.